Sivaraj Thekkayil

Sivaraj Thekkayil

Sivaraj is the Managing Director of Uravu Eco Links Ltd. He coordinates all the company’s activities – construction, bamboo trading, training, workshops, field research and community tourism. He has 20 years of experience in the bamboo sector and is one of the...
Manoj Kumar

Manoj Kumar

Manoj is a Director of Uravu Eco Links Ltd. Manoj played a vital role in setting up the Uravu Bamboo Grove Resort, applying his experience in the tourism sector. He has been working in the field of social entrepreneurship for more than 20 years. Before joining Uravu...
Corinne Karlaganis

Corinne Karlaganis

Corinne is a Director of Uravu Eco Links Ltd. and the Head of Sustainable Tourism. She coordinates Uravu Eco Link’s tourism activities and is responsible for concept formulation, marketing, project overview and community involvement. Corinne has been involved in...
M. Baburaj

M. Baburaj

Baburaj is one of the Directors of Uravu Eco Links Ltd. He is a bamboo planter and runs a bamboo nursery of 60 different Species. He is also the founder of Global bamboo institute & Research Centre, Thrikkaippetta.


Er. Saikrishna is the Head of Construction and the Training Department of Uravu Eco Links. He is a civil engineer and an expert in research oriented studies on actual buildings and various construction methodologies. He has longstanding experience in construction...